Almost all MCQs of Computer

Software Engineering Solved MCQs


1) What is Software ?
  1. Set of computer programs, procedures and possibly associated document concerned with the operation of data processing.
  2. A set of compiler instructions
  3. A mathematical formula  
  4. None of above
Collection From:
Answer = A   
Explanation: Computer software or just software, is a collection of computer programs and related data that provides the instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it.
2) Which of the following is not the characteristic of software ?
  1. Software does not wear out
  2. Software is flexible
  3. Software is not manufactured
  4. Software is always correct
Collection From:
Answer = D
 Explanation:A Software is not correct until it meets all the user requirements.
3) Which of the following is not a product matrix ?
  1. Size
  2. Reliability
  3. Productivity
  4. Functionality
Collection From:
Answer = C
Explanation: Software metric are used to quantitatively characterize the different aspects of software process or software product. Product metrics are the measures for the software product.
4)Which of the following is not a process metric ?
  1. Productivity
  2. Functionality
  3. Quality
  4. Efficiency
Collection From:
Answer = B
Explanation: Software metric are used to quantitatively characterize the different aspects of software process or software product.Process metrics qualify the attributes of software development and environment.
5) Efforts is measured in terms of ?
  1. Person - Months
  2. Persons
  3. Rupees
  4. Months
Collection From:
Answer = A
Explanation:Most appropriate unit of Effort is Person-Months , meaning thereby number of persons involved for specified months

6) Infrastructure software are covered under ?
  1. Generic Products
  2. Customised Products
  3. Generic and Customised Products
  4. None of the above
Collection From:
Answer = A
Explanation:Generic products are developed for anonymous customers. The target is generally the entire world and many copies are expected to be sold. Infrastructure software like operating systems, compilers, word processors etc are covered under this category.
7) Management of software development is dependent upon ?
  1. People
  2. Product
  3. Process
  4. All of above
Collection From:
Answer = D
Explanation:The management of software development is dependent upon four factors : People, Product, Process and Project.
8) During software development which factor is most crucial ?
  1. People
  2. Process
  3. Product
  4. Project
Collection From:
Answer = A
Explanation:Software development requires good managers. The manager who can understand the requirements of people. Hence , people are the crucial and criticle during software development.
9) Milestones are used to ?
  1. Know the cost of the project
  2. Know the status of the project
  3. Know the user expectations
  4. None of the above
Collection From:
Answer =A
Explanation:Milestones are used to measure the process or status of the project
10) The term module in the design phase refers to ?
  1. Functions
  2. Procedures
  3. Sub programs
  4. All of the above
Collection From:
Answer =D 
Explanation: All the terms have the same meaning.


1) Spiral Model was developed by?
  1. Bev Littlewood
  2. Berry Bohem
  3. Roger Pressman
  4. Victor Bisili
Collection From:
Answer = B 
Explanation: Spiral model was developed by Berry Bohem in 1986 in his article "A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement"
2) Which model is popular for students small projects ?
  1. Waterfall Model
  2. Spiral Model
  3. Quick and Fix model
  4. Prototyping Model
Collection From:
Answer = A
Explanation: No Explanation
3) Which is not a software life cycle model?
  1. Spiral Model
  2. Waterfall Model
  3. Prototyping Model
  4. Capability maturity Model
Collection From:
Answer = D 
Explanation:Capability maturity model is not a software life cycle model
4) Project risk factor is considered in ?
  1. Spiral Model
  2. Waterfall Model
  3. Prototyping Model
  4. Iterative enhancement Model
Collection From:
Answer = A
Explanation:Aim of Risk analysis phase in the spiral model is to eliminate the high risk problems before they threaten the project operation or cost.
5) SDLC stands for ?
  1. Software design life cycle
  2. Software development life cycle
  3. System design life cycle
  4. System development life cycle
Collection From:
Answer = B 
Explanation:Full form of SDLC is software development life cycle.
6) Build and Fix model has?
  1. 3 Phases
  2. 1 Phases
  3. 2 Phases
  4. 4 Phases
Collection From:
Answer = C 
Explanation:Build and fix model has 2 phases one is " build " and other is " fix " .
7) SRS stands for ?
  1. Software requirement specification
  2. Software requirement solution
  3. System requirement specification
  4. None of Above
Collection From:
Answer = A
Explanation: SRS acts as a contract between the developer and the user.
8) Waterfall model is not suitable for ?
  1. Small Projects
  2. Complex Projects
  3. Accommodating change
  4. None of Above
Collection From:
Answer = C
Explanation:Waterfall model does not accommodate any change that's why this model is used in those situations where requirements are well understood.
9) RAD stands for ?
  1. Rapid Application Development
  2. Relative Application Development
  3. Ready Application Development
  4. Repeated Application Development
Collection From:
Answer =A 
Explanation:No Explanation for this question.
10) RAD Model was purposed by ?
  1. IBM
  2. Motorola
  3. Microsoft
  4. Lucent Technologies
Collection From:
Answer =A 
Explanation:RAD Model was purposed by IBM in 1980s through the book of James Martin entitles "Rapid Application Development"


1)  Software engineering aims at developing ?
  1. Reliable Software
  2. Cost Effective Software
  3. Reliable and cost effective Software
  4. None Of Above
Collection From:
Answer = C 
Explanation:Software engineering is the process that aims at developing the software's that are Reliable and cost effective as well.
2) A good specification should be ?
  1. Unambiguous
  2. Distinctly Specific
  3. Functional
  4. All of Above
Collection From:
Answer = D 
Explanation:A good specification should have all the qualities such as unambiguos, distinctly specific and functional.
3) Which of the following is a tool in design phase ?
  1. Abstraction
  2. Refinement
  3. Information Hiding
  4. All of Above
Collection From:
Answer = D
4) Information hiding is to hide from user, details ?
  1. that are relevant to him
  2. that are not relevant to him
  3. that may be maliciously handled by him
  4. that are confidential
Collection From:
Answer = C 
Explanation:Information hiding is just the process of making inaccessible certain details that have no effect on the other parts of the program.
5) Which of the following comments about object oriented design of software, is not true ?
  1. Objects inherit the properties of class
  2. Classes are defined based on the attributes of objects
  3. an object can belong to two classes
  4. classes are always different
Collection From:
Answer = C 
Explanation:An object can not belong to two classes. 
6)  Design phase includes?
  1. data, architectural and procedural design only
  2. architectural, procedural and interface design only
  3. data, architectural and interface design only
  4. data, architectural, interface and procedural design
Collection From:
Answer = D 
Explanation:Design phase included the design of whole software including data, architectural, interface and procedural design.
7) To completely write the program in FORTRAN and rewrite the 1% code in assembly language, if the project needs 13 days, the team consists of ?
  1. 13 programmers
  2. 10 programmers
  3. 8 programmers
  4. 100/13 programmers
Collection From:
Answer = C 
Explanation: Writing the whole program in FORTRAN takes 100 man-day, remaining 1% code requires 4 man-day. If it is completed in 13 days then 104/13 = 8 programmers it required.
8) If 99% of the program is written in FORTRAN and the remaining 1% in assembly language, the percentage increase in the programming time compared to writing the entire program in FORTRAN and rewriting the 1% in assembly language is ?
  1. 10
  2. 5
  3. 13
  4. 8
Collection From:
Answer = B 
Explanation:The first case takes 99+10=109 man-day. The second case require 100+4=104 man-day. Percentage = (109-104)*100/100 = 5
9) If the entire program is written in FORTRAN, the percentage increase in the execution time, compared to writing the entire program in FORTRAN and rewriting the 1% in assembly language is ?
  1. 0.9
  2. 0.8
  3. 8
  4. 9
Collection From:
Answer = B 
Explanation:Let the first case takes 100 units of time to execute. Second case will take 99 +(1/5) units of time. As the 1% coding in assembly language will take 1/5 units of time. Hence the required percentage = 0.8*100/100 = 0.8.
10) If 99% of the program is written in FORTRAN and the remaining 1% in assembly language the percentage increase in the execution time, compared to writing the 1% in assembly language is ?
  1. 0.9
  2. 0.1
  3. 1
  4. 0
Collection From:
Answer = D
Explanation:In both cases the final program will have the same 99% of code in FORTRAN and the remaining 1% in assembly language. Hence the execution time will remain same.


1) White box testing, a software testing  technique is sometimes called ?
  1. Basic path
  2. Graph Testing
  3. Dataflow
  4. Glass box testing
Collection From:
Answer = D 
Explanation: White box testing also named as clear box testing, transparent testing, glass box testing and structural testing. It is a method in which the internal structure of application is tested.
2) Black box testing sometimes called ?
  1. Data Flow testing
  2. Loop Testing
  3. Behavioral Testing
  4. Graph Based Testing
Collection From:
Answer = C 
Explanation: Black box testing is a method that tests for the functionality of an application.
3) Which of the following is a type of testing ?
  1. Recovery Testing
  2. Security Testing
  3. Stress Testing
  4. All of above
Collection From:
Answer = D 
Explanation: Recovery testing is a method for testing how well a software can recover from crashes. Security testing ensures that the software protects the data and performs its all functions. Stress testing determines the robustness of software.
4) The objective of testing is ?
  1. Debugging
  2. To uncover errors
  3. To gain modularity
  4. To analyze system
Collection From:
Answer = B 
Explanation: The main objecting of testing is to make the software error free.
5) ...... is a black box testing method ?
  1. Boundary value analysis
  2. Basic path testing
  3. Code path analysis
  4. None of above
Collection From:
Answer = A 
Explanation:In boundary value analysis, we choose an input from test cases from an equivalence class such that the input lies on the edge of equivalence class.
6) Structured programming codes includes ?
  1. sequencing
  2. alteration
  3. iteration
  4. multiple exit from loops
  5. only A, B and C
Collection From:
Answer = E 
Explanation:These three constructs are sufficient to program any algorithm. Moreover, as far as possible single entry single exit control constructs are used.
7) An important aspect of coding is ?
  1. Readability
  2. Productivity
  3. To use as small memory space as possible
  4. brevity
Collection From:
Answer = A 
Explanation:Readability and understandability as a clear objective of coding activity can itself help in producing software that is more maintainable.
8) Data structure suitable for the application is discussed in ?
  1. data design
  2. architectural design
  3. procedural design
  4. interface design
Collection From:
Answer = A
Explanation: Data design is the first and most important design activity, where the main issue is to select the appropriate data structure.

9) In object oriented design of software , objects have ?
  1. attributes and names only
  2. operations and names only
  3. attributes, name and operations
  4. None of above
Collection From:
Answer = C 
Explanation: The objects contains attributes, names and operations as well.
10) Function oriented metrics were first proposed by  ?
  1. John
  2. Gaffney
  3. Albrecht
  4. Basili
Collection From:
Answer = C 
Explanation:Albrecht suggests a measure called Function point, which are derives using a empirical relationship based on the countable measures of software information domain.


1) Given a source code with 10 operators includes 6 unique operators, and 6 operand including 2 unique operands. The program volume is ?
  1. 48
  2. 120
  3. 720
  4. insufficient data
Collection From:
Answer = A 
Explanation: No Explanation
2) In the system conceps, term organization ?
  1. implies structure and order
  2. refers to the manner in which each component fuctions with other components of the system
  3. refers to the holism of system
  4. means that part of the computer system depend on one another
Collection From:
Answer = A 
Explanation: No Explanation
3) In the system concepts, the term integration ?
  1. implies structure and order
  2. refers to the manner in which each component functions with other components of the system
  3. means that parts of computer system depends on one another
  4. refers to the holism of systems
Collection From:
Answer = D 
Explanation: No Explanation
4) Project indicator enables a software project manager to ?
  1. assess the status of an ongoing project
  2. track potential risks
  3. uncover problem araes before they " go critical "
  4. All of above
Collection From:
Answer = D 
Explanation: No Explanation
5) Once object oriented programming has been accomplished, unit testing is applied for each class. Class tests includes ?
  1. Fault based testing
  2. Random testing
  3. Partition teting
  4. All of above
Collection From:
Answer = D 
Explanation: No Explanation
6) ............ Developed a set of software quality factors that has been given the acronym FURPS - Functinality, Usability, Reliability, performance, Supportability ?
  1. Hewlett - Packard
  2. Rambaugh
  3. Booch
  4. Jacobson
Collection From:
Answer = A 
 Explanation: No Explanation
7) In system design, we do following ?
  1. Hardware design after software
  2. Software design after hardware
  3. Parallel hardware and software design
  4. No hardware design needed
Collection From:
Answer = C 
Explanation: No Explanation
8) The document listing all procedures and regulations that generally govern an organization is the ?
  1. Personal poling bank
  2. Organizing manual
  3. Administration policy manual
  4. Procedure log
Collection From:
Answer = B Explanation: No Explanation
9) A turnkey package includes ?
  1. Software
  2. Hardware
  3. Traning
  4. All of above
Collection From:
Answer = D 
 Explanation: No Explanation
10) Detailed design is expressed by ?
  1. CSPEC
  2. PSPEC
  4. Code SPEC
Collection From:
Answer = C 
 Explanation: No Explanation


1) In functional decomposition, the data flow diagram ?
  1. is ignored
  2. is partitioned according to the closeness of the datagram and storage items
  3. is partitioned according to the logical closeness of the actigram
  4. Both A and C
  5. None of above
Collection From:
Answer = C 
Explanation: N/A

2) Which of the following is done in order a data in phase 1 of the system development life cycle ?
  1. Reviewing policies and procedures
  2. Using questionnaires to contact surveys
  3. Conducting Interviews
  4. All of above
  5. None of above
Collection From:
Answer = D 
Explanation: N/A

3) A graphic representation of an information system is called ?
  1. Flow chart
  2. Pictogram
  3. Data flow diagram
  4. Histogram
  5. None of above
Collection From:
Answer = C 

4) To avoid errors in transcription and transposition, during data entry the system analyst should ?
  1. Provide for a check digit
  2. Provide for a hash totals
  3. Provide batch totals
  4. All of above
Collection From:
Answer = D 
Explanation: N/A

5) In the system concepts, the term integration ?
  1. implies structure and order
  2. refers to the manner in which each component functions with other component of the system
  3. means that part of the computer system depend on one another
  4. refers to the holism of system
  5. None of above
Collection From:
Answer = D 
Explanation: system integration is the bringing together of the component subsystems into one system and ensuring that the subsystems function together as a system. In information technology, systems integration is the process of linking together different computing systems and software applications physically or functionally, to act as a coordinated whole

6) RAD is a linear sequential software development process model. RAD is an acronym for ?
  1. Rapid Application Development
  2. Rapid Action Development
  3. Rough Application Development
  4. Rough Action Development
Collection From:
Answer = A 
Explanation: Rapid application development (RAD) is a software development methodology that uses minimal planning in favor of rapid prototyping. The "planning" of software developed using RAD is interleaved with writing the software itself

7)  In risk analysis of spiral model, which of the following risk includes ?
  1. Technical
  2. Management
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of these
Collection From:
Answer = C 
Explanation: N/A

8) The model remains operative until the software is retired  ?
  1. Waterfall
  2. Incremental
  3. Spiral
  4. None of these
Collection From:
Answer = C 
Explanation: The spiral model is based on continuous refinement of key products for requirements definition and analysis, system and software design, and implementation (the code). At each iteration around the cycle, the products are extensions of an earlier product. This model uses many of the same phases as the waterfall model, in essentially the same order, separated by planning, risk assessment, and the building of prototypes and simulations

9) A quantitative measure of the degree to which a system, component, or process posses a given attribute ?
  1. Measure
  2. Measurement
  3. Metric
  4. None of these
Collection From:
Answer = C 
Explanation: N/A

10) RAD is not appropriate when ?
  1. Fast finding already done
  2. Technical risks are high
  3. Testing is not needed
  4. None of above
Collection From:
Answer = B 
Explanation: RAD model may not be useful for large, unique or highly complex projects.This method cannot be a success if the team is not sufficiently motivated and nor is unable to work cohesively together.


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