Almost all MCQs of Computer

March 2017

1. HTML5 introduces an ..................... element, which may be used withing content to represent material that is tangential.

A) article

B) aside
C) details
D) section

2. The .................. element is used to define a discrete unit of content such as a blog post, comment, article and so on.

A) article
B) post
C) blog
D) comment

3. In HTML5  ................ element was introduced for highlighting content similarly to how a highlighter pen might be used on important text in a book.

A) highlight

B) mark

C) bookmark
D) marker

4. The HTML5 element, <figure> simply groups items within an enclosed ................... tag.

A) <dd>
B) <dr>
C) <dt>
D) <fd>

5. You can associate the images enclosed within figure element with the caption defined by ......... tag.

A) <dd>
B) <dr>
C) <dt>
D) <fd>

6. The purpose of ..................... element is to encapsulate a group of links that serves as a collection of offsite links, document navigation or site navigation.

A) menu
B) navigation
C) linkgroup
D) nav

7. The ................... element is used to render simple graphics such as line art, graphs and other custom graphical elements on the client side.

A) canvas
B) drawing
C) graphs
D) shapes

8. In HTML5, it is possible to validate data entry by setting the ..................... attribute for a form control.

A) validate
B) required
C) restrict
D) allow

9. When placed ................... attribute on a field should cause a supporting browser to immediately focus this field once the page is loaded.

A) autofill
B) autoplace
C) autofocus
D) autocomplete

10. It is possible to advise the browser to display the .................... suggestions provided for fields if similar field names have been used in the past.

A) autofill
B) autoplace
C) autofocus
D) autocomplete

A) figure
B) details
C) article
D) canvas

12. The attribute effectively renders the iframe as an inline include, which allows the parent documents CSS to affect the contents of the iframe.

A) seamless
B) sandbox
C) framebox
D) inlineframe

13. The ................... attribute prevents the iframe from pulling in content from any source other than the iframe itself.

A) seamless
B) sandbox
C) framebox
D) inlineframe

14. The attribute ............................. is used to create the name/value pairs on the desired data.

A) itemrop
B) itemscope
C) itemref
D) itemnav

15. The ..................... attribute can be set on the parent item to a list of space separated IDs to indicate additional elements that should be traversed to find name/value pairs for this item.

A) itemrop
B) itemscope
C) itemref
D) itemnav

16. In sandbox attribute of iframe element, ............................ allows  the iframe to pull in content from elsewhere in the same domain.

A) allow-same-origin
B) allow-scripts
C) allow-forms
D) allow-content

17. ....................... in sandbox attribute allows the sandboxed iframe to run scripts from the same domain.

A) allow-same-origin
B) allow-scripts
C) allow-forms
D) allow-content

18. .................... element is used to define a region that will be used as output from some calculation or form control.

A) form
B) output
C) details
D) control

19. The ..................... element represent some form of extra details such as a tooltip or revealed region that may be shown to user.

A) control
B) revealed
C) details
D) extra

20. ................... attribute allows you to specify the default data rather than relying on what may have been entered in the browser previously.

A) autofill
B) autoplace
C) autofocus
D) autocomplete


1. B) aside
2. A) article
3. B) mark
4. C) <dt>
5. C) <dt>
6. D) nav
7. A) canvas
8. B) required
9. C) autofocus
10. D) autocomplete
11. B) details
12. A) seamless
13. B) sandbox
14. A) itemrop 
15. C) itemref 
16. A) allow-same-origin 
17. C) allow-forms
18. B) output
19. C) details
20. D) autocomplete

MCQ Questions On HTML5 Element Reference Part-1

1. ........................ are often used to exclude content from older browsers, particularly those that do not understand client side scripting or style sheet.
A) Excludes
B) Comments
C) Coords
D) Messages

2. ................ element defines a hyperlink, the named target destination for hyperlink, or both.
A) Anchor
B) Charset
C) Coords
D) Href

3. ......................... is the element specific attribute which defines the character encoding of the linked resource.
A) Coords
B) Href
C) Rel
D) Charset

4. .................... is the single required attribute for anchors defining a hypertext source link.
A) Coords
B) Href
C) Rel
D) Charset

5. The HTML5 specification suggests that, ....................... should be used to indicate whether a destination is appropriate for screen, print, PDA and so on.
A) method
B) media
C) name
D) shape

6. The .......................... attribute is required in an anchor defining a target location within a page.
A) method
B) media
C) name
D) shape

7. ...................... is the HTML5 specific attribute which is used to specify the URL(s) that will be notified when a link is activated.
A) ping
B) rel
C) rev
D) name

8. For anchors containing the href attribute, the ............................ attribute specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object.
A) ping
B) rel
C) rev
D) name

9. .......................... attribute is useful for indicating where an object came from, such as author of a document.
A) ping
B) rel
C) rev
D) name

10. ......................... attribute is used to define a selectable region for hypertext source links associated with a figure in order to create an image map.
A) shape
B) circle
C) rect
D) map

11.  Which of the following is/are the possible values of rel attribute used in anchor element.
i) alternate    ii) extra    iii) author    iv) help
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

12. When ........................ attribute is set on <abbr> element, browsers may render a dotted underline, which is useful to indicate the presence of a tooltip that may contain the expansion for abbreviation.
A) address
B) title
C) area
D) name

13. The  ......................... element marks up text indicating authorship or ownership of information.
A) address
B) title
C) area
D) name

14. The ....................... element defines a hotspot region on an image and associates it with a hypertext link.
A) address
B) title
C) area
D) name

15. The <area> element uses ........................ attribute which contains a text string alternative to display in browsers that cannot display images.
A) rel
B) href
C) alt
D) name

16. ..................... attribute in an area element contains a set of values specifying the coordinates of the hotspot region.
A) shape
B) circle
C) coords
D) map

17. Modern markup specifications encourage developers to use a .................... tag instead of <b>.
A) <bolt>
B) <strong>
C) <bl>
D) <sharp>

18. ......................... is the empty element found within the head element specifies the base URL stem to be used for all relative URL contained within a document.
A) <base>
B) <basefont>
C) <bdo>
D) <big>

19. The block element ........................ indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation.
A) <quotation>
B) <quote>
C) <blockquote>
D) <block>

20. The ...................... attribute forces the insertion of vertical space so that the tagged text can be positioned with respect to images.
A) clear
B) space
C) vspace
D) textspace


1. B) Comments
2. A) Anchor
3. D) Charset
4. B) Href
5. B) media
6. C) name
7. A) ping
8. B) rel
9. C) rev
10. A) shape
11. C) i, iii and iv only
12. B) title
13. A) address
14. C) area
15. C) alt
16. C) coords
17. B) <strong>
18. A) <base>
19. C) <blockquote>
20. A) clear

MCQ Questions On HTML5 Element Reference Part-2

1. In HTML5 ................... attribute is set to the MIME type for how data should be transmitted to the URL specified in the action attribute.
A) formenctype
B) formmethod
C) formtarget
D) formvalidate

2. In HTML5 ................. attribute indicates how form information should be transferred to the server using particular HTTP method.
A) formenctype
B) formmethod
C) formtarget
D) formvalidate

3. A ............. value in the formmethod attribute within button element indicates that form data should be appended to the URL specified by the action attribute creating a query string.
A) post
B) get
C) put
D) delete

4. A value of ..................... for formmethod attribute transfers that data of the form in the message body using the HTTP post method.
A) post
B) get
C) put
D) delete

5. In HTML5 ................. attribute is set to the name of a window or frame that the button action will target the result of action, similar to the target attribute on <a> and <form> tags.
A) formenctype
B) formmethod
C) formtarget
D) formvalidate

6. In primary canvas method .................. returns an object that exposes the API necessary for accessing the drawing functions.
A) width
B) height
C) toDataURL
D) getContext

7. Which of the following is NOT the canvas rectangle method
A) clearRect
B) fillRect
C) drawRect
D) strokeRect

8. Which of the following is/are the canvas shadow properties of HTML5.
i) shadowBlur    ii) shadowLine   iii) shadowColor   iv) shadowOffsetX
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv only

9. .................. method of canvas rectangle draws the outline for the rectangle defined by the starting point(x,y) and the width w and height h.
A) drawRect(x,y,w,h)
B) strokeRect(x,y,w,h)
C) fillRect(x,y,w,h)
D) outlineRect(x,y,w,h)

10. ...................... attribute of <col> element is used to set the character on which the cells in a column should be aligned.
A) span
B) char
C) charoff
D) align

11. In HTML5 <col> element, .............. attribute is used to  indicate the number of characters by which the column data should be offset from t he alignment characters specified by the char value.
A) span
B) char
C) charoff
D) align

12. .................... attribute applies the attributes of the col element to additional consecutive columns.
A) span
B) char
C) charoff
D) align

13. A typical value for .................. attribute is a period ( . ) for aligning numbers or monetary values.
A) span
B) char
C) charoff
D) align

14. The default value of span attribute of <colgroup> element is ...............
A) 1
B) 2.
C) 3
D) 0

15. The HTML5 element ...................... contains option elements that populate an input element with type="list".
A) <datalist>
B) <dt>
C) <dd>
D) <command>

16. Under HTML5, ................. element has an overloaded meaning and may also be used to enclose the content within <details> and <figure> tags.
A) <datalist>
B) <dt>
C) <dd>
D) <command>

17. The HTML5 element ................ represents additional information or interactive elements that can be shown on demand.
A) <details>
B) <explained>
C) <dd>
D) <additional>

18. HTML5 suggests that t he section or content grouping nearest an occurrence of a ................... element must contain the actual definition.
A) details
B) dir
C) dd
D) dfn

19. The .................... element indicates a generic block of content that should be treated as a logical unit for scripting or styling purposes.
A) division
B) definition
C) details
D) directory list

20. The common uses of ................... element is to implement a glossary.
A) <dl>
B) <dt>
C) <div>
D) <dir>


1. A) formenctype
2. B) formmethod
3. B) get
4. A) post
5. C) formtarget
6. D) getContext
7. C) drawRect
8. C) i, iii and iv only
9. B) strokeRect(x,y,w,h)
10. B) char
11. C) charoff
12. A) span
13. B) char
14. A) 1
15. A) <datalist>
16. C) <dd>
17. A) <details>
18. D) dfn
19. A) division
20. A) <dl>

Top 20 MCQ Questions On HTML5 Element Reference

1. The HTML5 attribute, ...................... is used in <textarea> element should be set to a string that corresponds to the id of the form element that an interactive control such as a button is associated with.
A) form
B) pattern
C) placeholder
D) control

2. ...................... is the HTML5 attribute that specifies a regular expression against which the field should be validated.
A) form
B) pattern
C) validate
D) control

3. ........................ is the HTML5 attribute that specifies a short bit of text that is used to help the user figure out what type of information to fill in for a form control.
A) form
B) pattern
C) placeholder
D) control

4. A <textarea> element cannot be descendant of a/an .............................. element.
A) form
B) div
C) button
D) article

5. ....................... element is used to group the rows within the footer of a table so that common alignment and style defaults can easily be set for numerous cells.
A) <tgroup>
B) <tfoot>
C) <grows>
D) <frows>

6. The ............................. attribute used in <th> element is used to provide a name for a group of related headers.
A) rheaders
B) groupheaders
C) axis
D) scope

7. The ......................... attributive used in <th> element takes a space separated list of id values that correspond to the header cell related to this cell.
A) headers
B) scope
C) thead
D) cell

8. The ........................ attribute specifies the table cells for which the current cell provides header information.
A) headers
B) scope
C) thead
D) cell

9. The ....................... element is used to group the rows within the header of a table so that common alignment and style defaults can easily be set for numerous cells.
A) headers
B) scope
C) thead
D) multi-cell

10. The <title> element must occur within a document's ............................ element and must be present in all valid documents.
A) <meta>
B) <link>
C) <head>
D) <body>

11. ....................... element is contained only in the <table>, <thead>, <tbody> and <tfoot> eleemens.
A) <tr>
B) <td>
C) <tt>
D) <dl>

12. .......................... is a inline element, which is used to indicate that text should be rendered in monospaced font similar to teletype text.
A) <tr>
B) <td>
C) <tt>
D) <dl>

13. The Boolean attribute .............................. indicates the browser should begin playing a video after page load once enough content has been received.
A) autoload
B) autoplay
C) auto-buffer
D) autoloadplay

14. ........................ is the attribute used in <video> element, that is set to the URL of an image that the browser will use in place of the video before it is loaded and playing.
A) loop
B) controls
C) src
D) poster

15. ............................. is the inline element used to indicate an identifier that occurs in a programming language or a mathematical expression.
A) <expression>
B) <variable>
C) <var>
D) <identifier>

16. The textarea element traditionally lacks a ..................................... attribute, which causes a more obvious security risk.
A) length
B) maxlength
C) poster
D) autoplay

17. Content within a ............................ element is not interpreted, so while space is preserved and tags themselves are ignored.
A) textarea
B) input
C) label
D) paragraph

18. The value of frame attribute, ............................. indicates only the top and bottom edges should be displayed.
A) hsides
B) below
C) border
D) rhs

19. ........................... is empty HTML5 element, which is used to specify multiple media resources for media elements like audio and video.
A) source
B) resource
C) media
D) multimedia

20. The HTML5 element equivalent to using font-size:smaller.
A) <smallText>
B) <smaller>
C) <smallest>
D) <small>


1. A) form
2. B) pattern
3. C) placeholder
4. C) button
5. B) <tfoot>
6. C) axis
7. A) headers
8. B) scope
9. C) thead
10. C) <head>
11. A) <tr>
12. C) <tt>
13. B) autoplay
14. D) poster
15. C) <var>
16. B) maxlength
17. A) textarea
18. A) hsides
19. A) source
20. D) <small>

Top 20 Objective Questions On HTML5 Element Reference

1. ..................... element in HTML5 is used to indicate that text has been added to the document.
A) <add>
B) <ins>
C) <fill>
D) <insert>

2. The value of ................. attribute is a URL that designates a source document or message for the information inserted.
A) href
B) src
C) cite
D) msg

3. ................... attribute used in <ins> element is intended to point to information explaining why the text was changed.
A) inf
B) ctxt
C) cite
D) msg

4. .................... attribute used in <ins> element is used to indicate the date and time the insertion was made.
A) datetime
B) insertdate
C) insertdt
D) insdatetime

5. ................... element is used to control the generation of key pairs in secured communications.
A) control key generation
B) control generation key
C) key pair generation
D) key pair control

6. The ................... element in HTML5 is used to relate descriptions to form controls.
A) <desc>
B) <formdesc>
C) <relate>
D) <label>

7. <legend> is used to assign a caption to a set of form fields as defined by a ................ element.
A) fieldset
B) caption
C) fieldgroup
D) assign

8. ...................... is the empty element found in the head element specifies relationships between the current document and other documents.
A) link
B) rel
C) meta
D) join

9. The HTML5 element .................. defines a scalar measurement within a known range, similar to what might be represented by gauge.
A) <measure>
B) <meter>
C) <gauge>
D) <scalar>

10. The HTML5 Boolean attribute ................... .is used to indicate if the style should apply only the tree it is enclosed within.
A) media
B) scoped
C) type
D) enclosed

11. Style information also can be specified in external style information also can be specified in external style sheet as defined by .......................... tag.
A) <link>
B) <rel>
C) <meta>
D) <join>

12. The CSS property .................. can be used to simulate <sub> element.
A) align
B) horizontal align
C) vertical align
D) sub

13. ..................... attribute used in <table> element sets the width, in pixels, between the edge of a cell and its content.
A) cellpadding
B) cellspacing
C) colspacing
D) edgespacing

14. ................... attribute used in <table> element sets the width, in pixels, between the edge of a cell and its individual cells.
A) cellpadding
B) cellspacing
C) colspacing
D) edgespacing

15. The .................. attribute specifies the number of columns in the table and is used to help quickly calculate the size of the table.
A) col
B) num
C) numcol
D) tablecol

16. A value of ..................... in rules attribute used in <table> element specifies horizontal dividing rules between groups of table cells defined by the thead, tbody, tfoot or cell group element.
A) cols
B) rows
C) groups
D) all

17. A value of ................. in rules attributes used in <table> element specifies dividing rules for rows only.
A) cols
B) rows
C) groups
D) all

18. The attribute ................... in table is used to provide a text summary of the tables purpose and structure.
A) caption
B) summary
C) title
D) overview

19. .................. attribute used in <tbody> element contains an offset as a positive or negative integer to align characters as related to the char value.
A) charoff
B) char
C) align
D) offset

20. The ....................... attribute used in <td> element might useful when attempting to display large tables on small screens.
A) zoomin
B) adjust
C) zoomout
D) abbr


1. B) <ins>
2. C) cite
3. C) cite
4. A) datetime
5. C) key pair generation
6. D) <label>
7. A) fieldset
8. A) link
9. B) <meter>
10. B) scoped
11. A) <link>
12. C) vertical align
13. A) cellpadding 
14. B) cellspacing
15. A) col
16. C) groups
17. B) rows
18. B) summary
19. A) charoff
20. D) abbr

1. Which of the following is/are the main part(s) of basic cellular system.

A) A mobile Unit

B) A cell Site

C) A mobile Telephone Switching Office

D) All of the above

2. Fading of the received radio signals in a mobile communication environment occurs because of .....

A) Direct propagation

B) Multipath Propagation

C) Bi-path Propagation

D) None of the above

3.State whether True of False.

i) The cells or subdivisions of a geographical area are always hexagonal.

ii) A land to Mobile call originates through the Telephone exchange.

A) True, False

B) False, True

C) False, False

D) True, True

4. In .............. Frequency Spectrum is divided into smaller spectra and is allocated to each user.





5. In ................ multiple access is achieved by allocating different time slots for the different users.





6. State whether True of False.

i) In GSM only TDMA is used.

ii) There is zero inter-channel interference in CDMA.

A) True, False

B) False, True

C) False, False

D) True, True

7. The basic GSM is based on ____________________ traffic channels.

A) connection oriented.

B) connection less.

C) packet switching.

D) circuit switching.

8. ..................... are typically characterized by very small cells, especially in densely populated areas.

A) 2G system.

B) 3G system.

C) 2.5G system.

D) 3.5G system.

9. A antenna which attempts to direct all its energy in a particular direction is called as a .............

B) One to One Antenna

C) Propagation Antenna

D) Single Direction Antenna

10. Which mode is used for installing networks in wireless communication device characteristics?

A) Fixed and wired.

B) Mobile and wired. 

C) Fixed and wired. 

D) Mobile and wireless. 


1. Which of the following is/are the main part(s) of basic cellular system.

D) All of the above

2. Fading of the received radio signals in a mobile communication environment occurs because of .....

B) Multipath Propagation

3.State whether True of False.

i) The cells or subdivisions of a geographical area are always hexagonal.

ii) A land to Mobile call originates through the Telephone exchange.

B) False, True

4. In .............. Frequency Spectrum is divided into smaller spectra and is allocated to each user.


5. In ................ multiple access is achieved by allocating different time slots for the different users.


6. State whether True of False.

i) In GSM only TDMA is used.

ii) There is zero inter-channel interference in CDMA.

C) False, False

7. The basic GSM is based on ____________________ traffic channels. 

A) connection oriented.

8. ..................... are typically characterized by very small cells, especially in densely populated areas.

C) 2.5G system.

9. A antenna which attempts to direct all its energy in a particular direction is called as a .............

A) Directional Antenna

10. Which mode is used for installing networks in wireless communication device characteristics?

C) Fixed and wired.

1) Which of the following statements about the features of jQuery are True.

i) jQuery has an expressive syntax for referring to elements in the document.

ii) jQuery has an efficient query method for finding the set of document elements that match a CSS selector.

iii) jQuery has a useful set of methods for manipulating selected elements.

A. i, ii and iii only

B. i, ii and iv only

C. i, iii and iv only

D. All i, ii, iii and iv

2) If you are using $ in your own code, or are using another library, such as prototype, that uses $, you can call .......... to restore $ to its original value.

A. jQuery.noConflict()

B. jQuery.removeConflict()

C. jQuery.restoreDefault()

D. jQuery.restoreFunction()

3) Which of the following is/are the sources of Content Distribution Network(CDN) for jQuery.

A. jQuery CDN

B. Microsoft CDN

C. Google CDN

D. All of the above

4) Which of the following are the different ways of invoking jQuery() function.

i) invoke $() is to pass a CSS selector to it

ii) invoke $() is to pass an element or document or window object

iii) invoke $() is to pass a string of JavaScript code

iv) invoke $() is to pass a function to it

A. i, ii and iii only

B. i, ii and iv only

C. i, iii and iv only

D. All i, ii, iii and iv

5) The jQuery library defines a number of utility functions, one of them is ............ function for general purpose iteration and another is ............ function for parsing JSON text.

A. jQuery.each(), jQuery.JSONtext()

B. jQuery.iterate(), jQuery.parseJSON()

C. jQuery.each(), jQuery.parseJSON()

D. jQuery.general(), jQuery.parseJSON()

6) The value returned by $() are ......... ,they are array like, they have a length property and have numeric properties from o to length -1.

A. jQuery result

B. jQuery objects

C. jQuery array

D. jQuery length

7) In order to loop over all elements in a jQuery object, you can call the .......... method instead of writing a for loop.


B. index()

C. each()

D. map()

8) ......... method expects a callback function as its sole argument, and it invokes that callback function once for each element in the jQuery object in document order.


B. index()

C. each()

D. map()

9) ........... accepts a callback function as its argument and invokes that function once for each element of the jQuery object.

A. is()

B. index()

C. each()

D. map()

10) ........ takes a selector as its argument and returns true if at least one of the selected elements also matches the specified selector.

A. is()

B. index()

C. each()

D. map()

11) ........ handles browser incompatibilities and special cases and allows you to use either HTML attribute names of their JavaScript property equivalents.

A. attr()

B. removeattr()

C. handleattr()

D. useattr()

12) Match the following methods for working with the class attribute defined by jQuery with their definitions.

i) addClass()           a) tests for the presence of specified class

ii) toggleClass()      b) adds classes to elements that don't already have

iii) hasClass()          c) remove classes from selected elements

iv) removeClass()   d) adds classes from selected elements

A. i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a

B. i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b

C. i-d, ii-c, iii-b, iv-a

D. i-d, ii-b, iii-a, iv-c

13) ........ is a method for setting and querying the value attribute of HTML form elements and also for querying and setting the selection state of check boxes, radio buttons and <select> elements.

A. set()

B. val()

C. query()

D. attr()

14) In jQuery, .......... method measures positions relative to the document and returns them in the form of an object with left and top properties that hold the X and Y coordinates.

A. offset()

B. position()

C. offsetparent()

D. setparent()

15) The .......... method is like offset(), except that it is a getter only and it returns element positions relative to their offset parent, rather to the document as a whole.

A. width()

B. position()

C. offsetparent()

D. setparent()


1) D. All i, ii, iii and iv
2) A. jQuery.noConflict()
3) D. All of the above
4) B. i, ii and iv only
5) C. jQuery.each(), jQuery.parseJSON()
6) B. jQuery objects
7) C. each()
8) C. each()
9) D. map()
10) A. is()
11) A. attr()
12) D. i-d, ii-b, iii-a, iv-c
13) B. val()
14) A. offset()
15) B. position()


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