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Oracle SQL/PLSQL Solved MCQs

Oracle Form/Report Developer SQL/PLSQL Solved MCQs

1) Oracle Forms triggers fire in response to which of the following?
a) ____ Oracle database triggers
b) ____ Interface events
c) ____ Internal processing events
d) ____ b & c
2) Forms triggers are written in which of the following languages?
a) ____ C
b) ____ PL/SQL
c) ____ ActiveX
d) ____ a & c
3) The result of clicking a button is considered which of the following?
a) ____ An interface event
b) ____ A trigger
c) ____ An internal processing event
d) ____ An item
4) Radio groups and check boxes are examples of which of the following?
a) ____ Text items
b) ____ Triggers
c) ____ Events
d) ____ Items
5) Non-base-table items can be used for which of the following?
a) ____ Insertable values
b) ____ Updatable values only
c) ____ Displaying non-database values
d) ____ a & b

Question Answer Comments
1) d
2) b PL/SQL is the language used in Forms triggers and pro-
gram units.
3) a The direct result of clicking a button is the Button Pressed
event, which is an interface event. If there is a  WHEN-
BUTTON-PRESSED trigger associated with the button, then
this trigger will fire to respond to the Button Pressed event.
4) d
5) c

1) All but which of the following are physical objects?
a) ____ Buttons
b) ____ Canvases
c) ____ Items
d) ____ Blocks
2) Which two of the following are logical containers?
a) ____ Frames
b) ____ Blocks
c) ____ Radio buttons
d) ____ Modules
e) ____ b & d

3) Blocks are contained by which of the following?
a) ____ Modules
b) ____ Triggers
c) ____ Canvases
d) ____ Nodes
4) Canvases are best described as which of the following?
a) ____ Physical surfaces for laying out items
b) ____ Logical structures similar to a painter’s canvas
c) ____ Associated with one frame
d) ____ Containers of windows and items
5) Which of the following is not a type of item?
a) ____ Check boxes
b) ____ Text items
c) ____ Java Beans
d) ____ Frames
e) ____ Buttons
6) Which of the following are owned by modules?
a) ____ All objects
b) ____ Forms
c) ____ Only canvases
d) ____ Items in the master block
7) How can you manipulate properties?
a) ____ In the Property Palette
b) ____ In the Layout Editor
c) ____ Programmatically
d) ____ All of the above
8) Which of the following is true of base-table blocks?
a) ____ Can be related to each other
b) ____ Are owned by canvases
c) ____ Are indirectly related to canvases through frames
d) ____ a & c

 Question Answer Comments
1) d Blocks are logical containers of items. They are not phy-
sical objects because they do not have properties that
would make them visible to the user.
2) e Modules, like blocks, are logical containers because they
do not have properties that would make them visible to
the user.
3) a
4) a
5) d Frames are graphic objects that are owned by canvases.
6) a All of the objects in a form are owned by the forms mod-
ule. So, while Answers b, c, and d are also true, a is a more
complete answer.

7) d At design-time, properties can be manipulated directly in
the Property Palette. Some property values can also be ma-
nipulated in the Layout Editor. For example, if you drag
an item from one place to another, you will be changing
its  X Position and  Y Position properties. At run-time,
PL/SQL code in triggers can be used to change property
values programmatically.

1) Which of the following is true of all of the settings in the Layout Wizard?
a) ____ They are final
b) ____ They are subclassed to the block
c) ____ They are based on frames and their widths
d) ____ They contribute to the first cut of a canvas
2) Which of the following is true of the Data Block Wizard?
a) ____ It associates blocks with tables
b) ____ It creates display items for non-null columns
c) ____ It has canvas properties
d) ____ Both b & c
3) Where do the prompts set in the Layout Wizard become editable?
a) ____ In the database
b) ____ By reentering the wizard
c) ____ In the Object Navigator
d) ____ b & c
4) The wizards never do which of the following?
a) ____ Write triggers
b) ____ Access the database
c) ____ Change module names
d) ____ Create frames

 Question Answer Comments
1) d The Layout Wizard will help you create the first cut or
rough draft of a canvas. You are free to edit this canvas by
reentering the Layout Wizard or by using the Layout Edi-
tor and Property Palette.
2) a The main function of the Data Block Wizard is to create
blocks and associate them with tables in the database. It
also helps you create items in blocks and associate them
with columns in the database.
3) b Reentering the Layout Wizard will allow you to change
the prompt value for an item as well as edit many other
item and canvas properties. While they are not listed as
answers for Question 3, it is also possible to edit item
prompts in the Property Palette and Layout Editor.
4) c Since neither the Data Block Wizard or Layout Wizard
have anything to do with the module level of a form, they
do not affect the module name.

1) Which of the following can be used to compile binary files?
a) ____ The Forms Runtime
b) ____ The Form Builder
c) ____ The Form Compiler
d) ____ b & c
2) Which of the following is not true about .fmx files?
a) ____ Distributed to users
b) ____ Platform-dependent
c) ____ Binary files
d) ____ Runnable from the Layout Editor
3) To run an .fmx client/server, the user would need which of the following?
a) ____ The Forms Runtime
b) ____ Access to a database
c) ____ Module files for the button icons
d) ____ The .fmx to be compiled for their operating system
e) ____ a, b, & d
4) Which of the following can be used to compile .fmb’s?
a) ____ The Form Compiler
b) ____ The Run button on the Object Navigator
c) ____ Program/Compile/All from the Form Builder’s Main Menu
d) ____ CTRL+T in the Form Builder

Question Answer Comments
1) d
2) c
3) e Answer c is incorrect because icons are stored in  .ico
files, not as modules.
4) c Program Compile All will compile all of the PL/SQL in a
form, but it will not create an .fmx file.


1) How does the Object Navigator organize Forms elements?
a) ____ In a grid
b) ____ By object ID
c) ____ In a hierarchy
d) ____ Arbitrarily
2) It is possible to use the Object Navigator to do which of the following?
a) ____ Compile a form
b) ____ Save a form
c) ____ Delete a form
d) ____ All of the above
3) In the Object Navigator, which of the following can you change with regard to
an item?
a) ____ The block it belongs to
b) ____ Its name
c) ____ Its order in the hierarchy
d) ____ All of the above
4) Whenever you are pasting or creating objects in the Object Navigator, they
will always be positioned directly below the object that is currently selected.
a) ____ True
b) ____ False
5) You can add columns to a table through the Object Navigator by selecting the
column to the right of the column you wish to add and clicking the Create
Column button.
a) ____ True
b) ____ False

6) Which of the following best describes subclassing?
a) ____ When one object is linked to another object in such a way that if
changes are made to either object, both objects are updated with
these changes
b) ____ When you make a copy of an object in one form and place it into an-
other form
c) ____ When a source object is linked to a subclassed object in such a way
that if changes are ever made to the source, the subclassed object can
inherit these changes
d) ____ Creating new objects based on old ones
7) While you can drag objects from one form to another, you cannot drag an ob-
ject from node to node within a form.
a) ____ True
b) ____ False

Question Answer Comments
1) c
2) d

3) d Only object names can be changed in the Object Naviga-
tor. All other properties must be changed in either the
Property Palette or Layout Editor.
4) a
5) b
6) c
7) b

 1) The Property Palette has which of the following?
a) ____ A list of configurable properties
b) ____ Height and width information
c) ____ a & b
2) What feature can you use to view two instances of the Property Palette simul-
a) ____ The Paste Property Window feature
b) ____ The Navigator
c) ____ The Freeze/Unfreeze button
d) ____ The Inherit feature
3) Which of the following are possible in the Property Palette?
a) ____ Mass edits of properties
b) ____ Running multiple forms
c) ____ Copying properties
d) ____ a & c
4) How are changes to properties indicated in the Property Palette?
a) ____ The changed property’s value is highlighted
b) ____ The changed property’s value is grayed out
c) ____ There is no indication
d) ____ The changed property has a green box as its icon

5) Which of the following have properties that can be viewed in the Property
a) ____ Triggers
b) ____ Items
c) ____ Record Groups
d) ____ All of the above
6) What does the inherit feature do?
a) ____ Returns a property to its default value
b) ____ Copies properties from other objects
c) ____ Creates a new version of the property
d) ____ None of the above
7) How will properties appear in the Property Palette if two objects are selected
in the Object Navigator?
a) ____ If the property value is the same for both of the objects, ***** will be
b) ____ If the property value is different for both of the objects, ***** will be
c) ____ The Property Palette will be blank
d) ____ Both values will appear separated by commas

Question Answer Comments
1) c
2) c
3) d Mass changes to properties can be done by selecting mul-
tiple objects in the Object Navigator and then changing
their properties. It is not possible to delete item properties
as Answer b suggests. However, in Chapter 9, “Reusable
Objects,” you will learn how to delete properties from ob-
jects called property classes.

1) Which of the following can you not view in the Layout Editor?
a) ____ Radio button
b) ____ Check box
c) ____ Block
d) ____ Frame
2) The Layout Editor is coordinated with which of the following?
a) ____ The Property Palette
b) ____ The Main Menu
c) ____ The Forms Runtime
d) ____ The hint line on a running form

3) All objects in the Layout Editor are which of the following?
a) ____ Items
b) ____ Physical
c) ____ Logical
d) ____ a & b
4) Which of the following can you do in the Layout Editor?
a) ____ Create and delete objects
b) ____ Run a form
c) ____ Change the background color of a frame
d) ____ a & b
e) ____ All of the above
5) How do the X Position and Y Position properties indicate the position
of an object on a canvas?
a) ____ They indicate the position of the center of the object
b) ____ They indicate the position of the upper left-hand corner of the object
c) ____ They are not used to indicate position on the canvas
d) ____ None of the above
6) Which of the following can you do when creating objects in the Layout Editor?
a) ____ You can size them
b) ____ You can position them
c) ____ You can assign them to blocks
d) ____ All of the above

Question Answer Comments
1) c
2) a
3) b
4) e
5) b
6) d

1) The blocks in a master-detail form are which of the following?
a) ____ Two non-base-table blocks linked by a relation
b) ____ Two base-table blocks linked by a relation
c) ____ Neither the master nor the detail block contains non-base-table items
d) ____ The blocks are based on the same database object and coordinated by

2) What can’t you do with master-detail blocks?
a) ____ Create them with a wizard
b) ____ Create them manually
c) ____ Edit their relation object’s properties
d) ____ Display their relation object on a different canvas
3) What database objects are relation objects analogous to?
a) ____ Many-to-one relationships
b) ____ Parent-child tables
c) ____ Primary-foreign key constraints
d) ____ Database links
4) Which of the following is not true of the data items in a detail block?
a) ____ They are base-table items
b) ____ They are copied from the master block
c) ____ They can appear on the same canvas as the items in the master block
d) ____ It is common to give them a Tabular style layout
5) Which of the following is true about the relation object?
a) ____ It is owned by the detail block
b) ____ It is owned by the master block
c) ____ One of its properties can affect the way records are deleted
d) ____ a & c
e) ____ b & c
6) What will happen when the Deferred property of a relation is set to No?
a) ____ The master block is populated after the detail block
b) ____ The detail block is populated along with the master
c) ____ The detail block is disabled
d) ____ The master and detail blocks are put into Enter Query mode.
7) What will happen when the Prevent Masterless property is set to Yes?
a) ____ The detail records will be deleted along with corresponding master
b) ____ The detail block’s operations are put into Normal mode
c) ____ The detail block cannot be queried or inserted into unless a master
record is present
d) ____ The master operations are prevented from coordinating the detail

Question Answer Comments
1) b
2) d The relation object is a logical object, so it cannot be dis-
played on a canvas.
3) c
4) b
5) e The relation object is always owned by the master block.
The  Delete Record Behavior property affects the way
records are deleted.
6) b The Deferred property indicates whether or not the form
should defer (wait) execution of the query for the detail
block. If it is set to No, the query will not be deferred and the
detail block will be populated along with the master block.
7) c

1) What is the major difference between a display item and a text item?
a) ____ Text items can display database values, display items cannot
b) ____ Text items are always database items while display items are always
non-database items
c) ____ Text items are navigable and editable, display items are not
d) ____ Text items and display items are identical except for their background
2) Why would you set the Multi Line property?
a) ____ To display items on the canvas
b) ____ To display more than one record in a single item
c) ____ To display more than one line of text in a single item
d) ____ None of the above

3) The Format Mask property allows you to display values in the form in a dif-
ferent format than they are stored in the database.
a) ____ True
b) ____ False
4) Which of the following must be true for an item to be visible?
a) ____ Enabled must be set to Yes
b) ____ It must be a database item
c) ____ The Width property must not exceed the length of the column in
the database
d) ____ It must be assigned to a canvas with the Visible property set to
5) How can you view the properties for a prompt?
a) ____ By selecting the prompt in the Object Navigator
b) ____ By viewing the properties for the prompt’s item
c) ____ You can’t because prompts don’t have properties
d) ____ a & b
6) Which properties can you set to prevent a user from changing the value in an
a) ____ Set Item Type to Display Item
b) ____ Set Enabled to No.
c) ____ Set Update Allowed and Insert Allowed to No
d) ____ All of the above

Question Answer Comments
1) c
2) c
3) a It also lets you control the format in which information is
entered into the form.
4) d Items can only be seen by the user if their Visible prop-
erty is set to  True and they are positioned on a canvas
that is also visible.
5) b
6) d

1) What is the scope within which triggers fire?
a) ____ The object they are attached to
b) ____ The PL/SQL block
c) ____ The user’s session
d) ____ The PL/SQL Editor
2) When will a block-level WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger fire?
a) ____ In response to Button Pressed events for buttons belonging to the
b) ____ For every button in the form without an item-level WHEN-BUTTON-
PRESSED trigger
c) ____ For every button in the block that has a WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED
trigger with Execution Hierarchy set to Override
d) ____ All of the above
3) Where can a WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE trigger be defined?
a) ____ At the form level
b) ____ At the block level
c) ____ At the item level
d) ____ All of the above
e) ____ Only b & c
4) Which of the following are true about a POST-TEXT-ITEM trigger?
a) ____ It is a When event trigger
b) ____ It is a navigational trigger
c) ____ It will replace Forms default processing
d) ____ None of the above

5) Which of the following is true about When event triggers?
a) ____ They augment default Forms processing
b) ____ They replace default Forms processing
c) ____ They only respond to interface events
d) ____ None of the above
6) Which of the following is true about the ON-ERROR trigger?
a) ____ It fires when you compile code that has errors
b) ____ It replaces default Forms processing
c) ____ It is created when the relation object is created
d) ____ It rolls back the form when errors occur
7) What will happen if an item-level WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE trigger’s
Execution Hierarchy property is set to Override?
a) ____ All other WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE triggers attached to other
items in the block will be overriden
b) ____ All other WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE triggers at higher levels in
the Forms hierarchy will be overridden
c) ____ New items will be created in the block to override the old ones
d) ____ All of the above
8) Which of the following cannot be done with a WHEN-NEW-FORMS-
INSTANCE trigger?
a) ____ It cannot be created in the same form as a PRE-FORM trigger
b) ____ It cannot be created at the item level
c) ____ You cannot use the SET_ITEM_PROPERTY in it
d) ____ You cannot use it to set block properties

Question Answer Comments
1) a
2) a Answer c is incorrect because the item-level  WHEN-
BUTTON-PRESSED trigger with  Override set to  Yes will
cause the form to override or ignore  WHEN-BUTTON-
PRESSED triggers that are higher up in the hierarchy.
3) d Many item-specific triggers can be set at the block and
form level as well to increase their scope.
4) b Answer c is incorrect because Post triggers do not replace
default processing. They fire after the default processing
has occurred.
5) a Answer c is incorrect because When triggers can also re-
spond to internal processing events as demonstrated with
the Validate Item event and WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger.
6) b
7) b
8) b WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE triggers can be created at the
form and block level, but not the item level.

1) Which of the following is true about POST-QUERY triggers?
a) ____ They are not valid at the form level
b) ____ They fire after a record has been fetched
c) ____ You can attach them to record groups
d) ____ a & b
2) Where could you attach a POST-QUERY trigger if you want it to populate a
display item named STUDENT.LAST_NAME?
a) ____ To the primary key item in the block
b) ____ To the STUDENT block
c) ____ To the LAST_NAME item
d) ____ To any item in the form that will be queried
3) Which of the following is true about the PL/SQL Editor?
a) ____ You can use it to write triggers and program units
b) ____ It will check the syntax of your code
c) ____ It will indent your code automatically
d) ____ All of the above
4) When does the WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger fire?
a) ____ In response to a Validate Item event
b) ____ When an item is not valid
c) ____ When the user navigates out of an item and that item’s value has been
d) ____ a & c

Question Answer Comments
1) b Answer c is incorrect because  POST-QUERY triggers can
only be attached at the block or form level. Moreover, no
trigger can be attached to a record group or any other ob-
ject that is not an item, block, or form.
2) b None of the other answers are true because  POST-QUERY
triggers cannot be attached to items.
3) d Although it was not mentioned in the Lab text, you proba-
bly noticed that the PL/SQL Editor formats your code to
make it easier to read by indenting and coloring key words.
4) d
5) b
6) c

1) Which of the following is true about built-ins?
a) ____ They are not valid in triggers
b) ____ They fire at will
c) ____ They are PL/SQL functions and procedures that provide standard
application functionality
d) ____ None of the above
2) What is true about the EXIT_FORM built-in?
a) ____ You can pass it parameters
b) ____ It gets a form out of Enter Query mode
c) ____ It is not valid in WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED triggers
d) ____ a & b
3) Which built-in would you use to find the width of an item?
d) ____ a & c
4) Which parameters can SET_ITEM_PROPERTY accept?
a) ____ Item names
b) ____ Object IDs
c) ____ Property names
d) ____ All of the above
5) Which of the following cannot be used in the SET_ITEM_PROPERTY built-in?
a) ____ Variables as parameters
b) ____ The :BLOCK.ITEM syntax
c) ____ The Prompt property
d) ____ Non-navigable items
6) What could you use to get an object’s ID?
a) ____ A GET_ statement
b) ____ A system variable
c) ____ A FIND_ built-in
d) ____ a & c

Question Answer Comments
1) c Answer a is only true if the built-in is restricted and the
trigger fires because navigation has occurred.
2) d
3) c
4) d
5) b If you want to pass an item name to a built-in, you must
use the following syntax:  'BLOCK.ITEM'. If you include
the colon and exclude the single quotes as in Answer b,
the built-in will not compile.
6) d If you answered a, you are half right. Up until now, you
have only used FIND_ built-ins to get object IDs. However,
later in the book, you will also use a GET_ built-in to get
the object ID of a parameter list.


1) What is the difference between an LOV and list item?
a) ____ LOVs open in a separate window, list items are positioned on a canvas
b) ____ LOVs are suited for many rows, list items should be limited to 15 rows
c) ____ LOVs show multiple columns, list items show only one
d) ____ All of the above
2) Upon which Forms object are LOVs based?
a) ____ Block
b) ____ Record group
c) ____ Query
d) ____ Item
3) How can you create an LOV?
a) ____ Manually
b) ____ Using the Layout Wizard
c) ____ Using the LOV Wizard
d) ____ a & c

4) How can you size an LOV window?
a) ____ Using the Property Palette
b) ____ Using the Layout Editor
c) ____ Using the LOV Wizard
d) ____ a & c
e) ____ a, b, & c
5) How do you populate a form item with a selection from an LOV?
a) ____ Using a SELECT...INTO statement
b) ____ Using a return item
c) ____ You can’t
d) ____ Using a record group
6) An LOV must be refreshed each time it is displayed.
a) ____ True
b) ____ False
7) Which of the following built-ins will display an LOV?
b) ____ FIND_LOV
c) ____ SHOW_LIST
d) ____ a & c
8) What value will the SHOW_LOV built-in return?
a) ____ The value selected from the LOV
b) ____ TRUE if the user selects from the LOV, FALSE if they cancel the LOV
c) ____ The position of the LOV
d) ____ The LOV’s object ID

Question Answer Comments
1) d
2) b
3) d
4) d
5) b
6) b
7) a
8) b

1) How is an alert displayed to the user?
a) ____ As a multi-line message on the canvas
b) ____ As a single line of text on the hint line
c) ____ As a separate modal window in the middle of the screen
d) ____ As another forms module
2) How can you position an alert?
a) ____ At design-time using its X Position and Y Position properties
b) ____ Programmatically at run-time using SET_ALERT_PROPERTY
c) ____ The position of an alert cannot be configured
d) ____ a & b
3) How can a user respond to an alert?
a) ____ By clicking one of its buttons
b) ____ By correcting any errors on the form
c) ____ A user cannot respond to an alert
d) ____ By clicking the OK button on the toolbar
4) Which of the following statements will display ALERT1?
a) ____ v_alert_button := SHOW_ALERT('ALERT1', 200, 200);
b) ____ SHOW_ALERT('ALERT1');
c) ____ v_alert_button := SHOW_ALERT('ALERT1');
d) ____ FIND_ALERT('ALERT1');
5) Which of the following statements will correctly evaluate an alert button?
a) ____ IF v_alert_button = 1 THEN
c) ____ IF v_alert_button = 'YES' THEN
d) ____ IF v_alert_button = ALERT_BUTTON1 THEN
6) How should you configure a simple informational alert?
a) ____ Create a Stop alert with no buttons
b) ____ Create a Caution alert with no message, but one button labeled OK
c) ____ Create a Note alert with one button labeled OK
d) ____ Create a Stop alert with three buttons

Question Answer Comments
1) c
2) c
3) a
4) c
5) d
6) c

1) Which of the following is not a window style?
a) ____ Dialog
b) ____ Document
c) ____ Content
d) ____ MDI
2) Which of the following is true about document windows?
a) ____ They have at least two content canvases
b) ____ They can be dragged outside the MDI window
c) ____ They are well-suited for data entry and query screens
d) ____ They cannot be opened at run-time
3) Which of the following is false?
a) ____ Alerts are dialog windows
b) ____ LOVs are dialog windows
c) ____ Dialog windows have at least one content canvas
d) ____ Dialog windows cannot be modal
4) What does the SHOW_WINDOW built-in do?
a) ____ It manages the MDI window
b) ____ It displays windows
c) ____ It responds to Open Window events
d) ____ a & b
5) What will happen if the GO_ITEM built-in is passed a non-navigable item?
a) ____ Navigation will not complete and the form will return an error
b) ____ Forms will navigate to it anyway
c) ____ Forms will open its window but not navigate to it
d) ____ All canvases will close
6) What are some of the methods for displaying a canvas?
a) ____ Navigate to an item on the canvas
b) ____ Use the SHOW_VIEW built-in
c) ____ Set the MDI Windows Visible property to Yes
d) ____ a & b
7) Which of the following is not true about the viewport of a content canvas?
a) ____ It is the same size as its window
b) ____ It cannot contain stacked canvases
c) ____ Items outside the viewport will not be visible at run-time
d) ____ It can be adjusted in the Layout Editor

Question Answer Comments
1) c Answer c is incorrect because content is a type of canvas.
2) c Note that the answer says well-suited and not mandatory.
3) d Dialog windows are usually modal, although they do not
have to be.
4) b
5) a
6) d Answer c is incorrect because the MDI window does not
have a Visible property.
7) b

1) Two content canvases cannot appear in the same window.
a) ____ True
b) ____ False
2) How can a content canvas be created?
a) ____ By using the Object Navigator
b) ____ By using the Layout Wizard
c) ____ By using the Layout Editor
d) ____ a & b
e) ____ a, b, & c
3) Which of the following is true about a content canvas?
a) ____ It must be in a modal window
b) ____ It must be in a modeless dialog window
c) ____ It is contained by a window
d) ____ It can be visible without a window
4) Windows cannot be closed with navigation.
a) ____ True
b) ____ False

Question Answer Comments
1) a Two content canvases can be assigned to the same win-
dow, but they cannot appear at the same time.
2) d
3) c
4) b A window can be closed with navigation if its  Hide on
Exit property is set to Yes.

1) Which of the following is not true about creating stacked canvases?
a) ____ You cannot position items on a stacked canvas only
b) ____ You can create a stacked canvas visually in the Layout Editor
c) ____ You can create a stacked canvas in the Layout Wizard
d) ____ a & c
2) Where can stacked canvases be positioned?
a) ____ On top of a content canvas
b) ____ Outside the MDI window
c) ____ Behind the MDI window
d) ____ a & b
3) What is a stacked canvas’ viewport?
a) ____ The area that is visible at run-time
b) ____ A graphic object used to frame objects
c) ____ The logical container of a canvas
d) ____ a & b
4) Which of the following built-ins can be used to display a stacked canvas?
a) ____ GO_BLOCK
b) ____ SHOW_VIEW
d) ____ All of the above
5) What can a stacked canvas be used for?
a) ____ Partly or wholly obscuring other canvases and items
b) ____ Creating wizard objects
c) ____ Dynamically changing the look of the screen
d) ____ All of the above

Question Answer Comments
1) a You can position items on a stacked canvas as you did in
the Exercises for Lab 7.3.
2) a Stacked canvases are always positioned relative to a con-
tent canvas, not relative to a window.
3) a
4) d
5) d

1) Which of the following is not true about toolbars?
a) ____ They can be attached to the MDI window
b) ____ They can be positioned vertically or horizontally
c) ____ They can be attached to an LOV
d) ____ They can have list items as objects
2) How can you completely hide a toolbar button?
a) ____ Set its Canvas property to Null
b) ____ Set its Visible property to No
c) ____ Set its Window property to WINDOW1
d) ____ a & b
3) Which of the following is true about toolbar buttons?
a) ____ They can be enabled or disabled at run-time
b) ____ They can be iconic
c) ____ They can have WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED triggers attached to them
d) ____ All of the above
4) At what level in the Forms hierarchy can the triggers that respond to toolbar
item events be?
a) ____ Item level
b) ____ Block level
c) ____ Form level
d) ____ All of the above

Question Answer Comments
1) c Toolbars can only be attached to window objects or the
MDI window.
2) d
3) d
4) d Answer c is incorrect because button items do not have a
window property.

1) What are some of the advantages to subclassing?
a) _____ It enables you to reuse objects
b) _____ You can base multiple target objects on a single source object
c) _____ A link is established between the source and the target
d) _____ All of the above
2) How would you subclass a canvas from Form A to Form B?
a) _____ Drag the canvas from Form A to Form B and click Subclass on
the alert
b) _____ Use the Subclass Information property
c) _____ Copy the canvas from A to B
d) _____ a & b
e) _____ a, b, & c
3) How can you determine the source of a subclassed object?
a) _____ By the icon in the Object Navigator
b) _____ By the Subclass Information property
c) _____ By the Windows Registry
d) _____ All of the above
4) How does the Property Palette indicate that a property is being inherited?
a) _____ A small circle
b) _____ A green box
c) _____ A black arrow
d) _____ A black arrow with a red x over it
5) How does the Property Palette indicate that an inherited property value has
been overridden?
a) _____ A small circle
b) _____ A green box
c) _____ A black arrow
d) _____ A black arrow with a red x over it

Question Answer Comments
1) d
2) d Answer c is incorrect because copying an object does not
create a subclassed version of that object.
3) b Answer a is incorrect because the Object Navigator only
shows if an object has been subclassed, not what its
source is.
4) c
5) d

1) Which of the following properties cannot be applied using a visual attribute?
a) _____ Foreground Color
b) _____ Fill Pattern
c) _____ Canvas
d) _____ Font Weight
2) Which of the following objects can inherit from a visual attribute?
a) _____ Items
b) _____ Canvases
c) _____ LOVs
d) _____ All of the above
3) A visual attribute can be subclassed to another form.
a) _____ True
b) _____ False
4) What are the three types of visual attributes?
a) _____ Item, Frame, and Canvas
b) _____ Item, Title, and Prompt
c) _____ Object, Common, and Label
d) _____ Title, Common, and Prompt
5) Which of the following is not true about property classes?
a) _____ They can be applied to any object
b) _____ They can contain visual as well as other properties
c) _____ They cannot be applied to more than one item in the same form
d) _____ Properties can be added or deleted from them
6) Which of the following cannot be done to properties in a property class?
a) _____ Override them at the subclassed object level
b) _____ Change them after the property class has been applied
c) _____ Copy or paste them from another object
d) _____ None of the above
7) How can you apply a property class to an object?
a) _____ By dragging and dropping it on top of the object
b) _____ By setting the property class’ Target Objects property
c) _____ By setting the target object’s Subclass Information property
d) _____ By making it available to the target form
8) Which takes precedence over the properties inherited from a property class?
a) _____ Properties overridden at the object level
b) _____ Form-level properties
c) _____ Properties inherited from a visual attribute
d) _____ a & c

Question Answer Comments
1) c Visual attributes only apply font and color properties, not
physical properties like Canvas.
2) d Any object that has font and color properties can inherit
from a visual attribute.
3) a
4) d
5) c
6) d
7) c
8) d Answer c is true because if the same property is set by
both a visual attribute and a property class, the visual at-
tribute’s setting will take precedence.

1) Which of the following is true about object groups?
a) _____ They can have multiple child objects
b) _____ They can only contain objects of the same type
c) _____ They are organized with tabs
d) _____ They can only be subclassed, not copied
2) How do you add objects to an object group?
a) _____ By setting the object group’s Child Objects property
b) _____ By setting the object’s Object Group property
c) _____ By dragging objects into the object group
d) _____ None of the above
3) Why are object groups useful?
a) _____ You can package related objects together
b) _____ You can copy or subclass a group of related objects to another form
in a single step
c) _____ If subclassed, you can make changes to the objects in the object
group that are propagated to target objects
d) _____ All of the above
4) How are objects stored in an object library?
a) _____ As pointers to objects in other modules
b) _____ As actual instances of objects
c) _____ As subclassed instances
d) _____ b & c
5) How can you use an object library?
a) _____ To organize the objects you wish to subclass or copy to other forms
b) _____ As a central source for all of your Forms objects
c) _____ As any area to edit and update reusable objects
d) _____ a & b
6) What can you do with objects in an object library?
a) _____ Copy them to other forms
b) _____ Subclass them to other forms
c) _____ Organize them any way you’d like
d) _____ All of the above

Question Answer Comments
1) a
2) c
3) d
4) b Answer a is incorrect because an object group only con-
tains pointers to objects, not actual instances of objects.

5) d Answer c is incorrect because an object cannot be opened
or edited in an object library.
6) d

1) How are template forms used?
a) _____ As starting “boilerplate” forms
b) _____ As source forms for an object library
c) _____ As areas to edit layout
d) _____ a & b
2) What happens when you base a form on a template form?
a) _____ Forms assigns a default name to the new form
b) _____ Forms will overwrite the template form if you don’t change the new
form’s name
c) _____ All of the objects in your template form are included in the new
d) _____ a & c
3) What can template forms contain?
a) _____ Any object
b) _____ Only subclassed objects
c) _____ Only objects subclassed from object libraries
d) _____ Only object groups
4) How do you create a template form?
a) _____ By setting the Module Type property to Template
b) _____ By using the Form Builder like any other form
c) _____ By saving a form with a .tmp extension
d) _____ a & c
Question Answer Comments
1) a Answer b is incorrect because object libraries should serve
as the source for template forms.
2) d Answer b is incorrect because Forms will automatically re-
name a form that is based on a template form.
3) a
4) b

1) What are program units?
a) ____ Sub-modules within triggers
b) ____ PL/SQL objects stored within modules
c) ____ PL/SQL objects that respond to Forms events
d) ____ b & c
2) Why are program units reusable?
a) ____ They are not bound to a single trigger and the events the trigger re-
sponds to
b) ____ They can be written generically so that they are more widely applicable
c) ____ They can be subclassed
d) ____ All of the above
3) Which of the following can be a program unit?
a) ____ Package specification
b) ____ Trigger
c) ____ Event
d) ____ None of the above
4) Where can program units be called from?
a) ____ Properties
b) ____ Triggers
c) ____ Other program units
d) ____ b & c

Question Answer Comments
1) b
2) d
3) a
4) d

1) Where are PL/SQL Libraries stored?
a) ____ In an object library
b) ____ Within a forms module
c) ____ In the filesystem or database
d) ____ The Program Units node of the Object Navigator
2) How do you make a PL/SQL Library accessible to a form?
a) ____ Call it with the FIND_LIBRARY built-in
b) ____ Attach it to the form
c) ____ Simply make calls to its objects
d) ____ a & c
3) When a PL/SQL Library is attached to more than one form, which of the fol-
lowing is true?
a) ____ You must deploy a separate copy of the Library for each form it is at-
tached to
b) ____ A single copy of the Library can be shared by each form
c) ____ The Library will be subclassed to the form
d) ____ b & c
4) How can PL/SQL Libraries reduce the overall size of an application?
a) ____ The PL/SQL objects are stored once in the Library rather than in each
forms module
b) ____ Only one instance of the Library file needs to be deployed with each
c) ____ The forms module and Library are compiled together to make them
d) ____ a & b
e) ____ All of the above
5) Which of the following statements would not be valid in a PL/SQL Library?
a) ____ COPY(v_course_no, ':COURSE.COURSE_NO');
b) ____ SET_ITEM_PROPERTY(v_item, foreground_color,
c) ____ v_value := NAME_IN(':SYSTEM.CURSOR_BLOCK');

Question Answer Comments
1) c Answers a and b are incorrect because PL/SQL Libraries are
separate modules.
2) b
3) b
4) d
5) d The statement  :CONTROL.CURDATE directly references a
block and item name, which would make it invalid in a
PL/SQL Library.

1) How do you call a stored PL/SQL object from forms?
a) ____ Use the FIND_OBJECT built-in
b) ____ Prefix the object name with DB_OBJ
c) ____ Simply call it by name
d) ____ Use the Database Objects node in the Object Navigator
2) Stored PL/SQL objects can accept and return parameters.
a) ____ True
b) ____ False
3) Which of the following statements would not be valid in both a client Forms
PL/SQL object and a stored PL/SQL object?
b) ____ OPEN CURSOR c_student;
c) ____ FIND_ITEM(v_item);
d) ____ END;
4) In what order does Forms search for PL/SQL objects?
a) ____ Forms module, database, attached library
b) ____ Database, attached library, forms module
c) ____ Forms module, attached library, database
d) ____ Database, forms module, attached library

Question Answer Comments
1) c
2) a
3) c
4) c

 1) Which of the following built-ins would close the calling form before opening
the called form?
a) ____ OPEN_FORM
b) ____ CALL_FORM
c) ____ CLOSE_FORM
d) ____ NEW_FORM
2) What is the syntax to open a form so that it is modal and so that the calling
form is present but not visible?
c) ____ CALL_FORM('FORM_B', HIDE);
3) Which built-in would allow you to programmatically move between forms but
not open new instances of those forms?
a) ____ OPEN_FORM
b) ____ GO_FORM
c) ____ NEW_FORM
d) ____ FIND_FORM
4) How can you pass a parameter to another form?
a) ____ Use a SYSTEM variable
b) ____ Add it to a parameter list in the calling form
c) ____ Create it at design-time in the called form
d) ____ b & c
5) Which of the following is not true about parameter lists?
a) ____ They are not referenced in the called form
b) ____ They can contain only one parameter
c) ____ They are removed using DESTROY_PARAMETER_LIST
d) ____ They are populated with ADD_PARAMETER

Question Answer Comments
1) d
2) c Answer a is incorrect because the NO_ACTIVATE parameter
will not make the calling form invisible. It will open the
called form, but set the focus to the calling form.
3) b
4) d Answer a is incorrect because the value of a system vari-
able only applies to a specific form.
5) b Parameter lists can contain more than one parameter.


1) Which of the following is true about Oracle reports modules?
a) ____ They are objects that you can create and configure in the Form Builder
b) ____ They are modules that are separate from forms modules and are not
created in the Form Builder
c) ____ They contain objects that query the database and format the results
d) ____ b & c
2) Which built-in will allow you to call forms, graphics, or reports modules?
b) ____ RUN_OBJECT
3) What does the FIND_REPORT_OBJECT built-in do?
a) ____ It returns the object ID of a report object
b) ____ It locates the reports module in the filesystem
c) ____ It accepts the object ID of a reports module and invokes it
d) ____ None of the above
4) Which of the following built-in statements is correct?
c) ____ RUN_PRODUCT_OBJECT(v_repobj_id);

Question Answer Comments
1) d Answer a is incorrect because you cannot create reports in
the Form Builder. You must do it in the Report Builder. It
is only possible to invoke the Report Builder from the
Form Builder.
2) a
3) a
4) b Answer a is incorrect because  RUN_REPORT_OBJECT can-
not accept report object names. Answer c is incorrect
because  RUN_PRODUCT_OBJECT is not a valid built-in.
Answer d is incorrect because the single quotes have been
left off the NULL parameter list value.

1) Where should you create parameter lists?
a) ____ In the calling form
b) ____ In the called form
c) ____ In the reports module
d) ____ None of the above
2) What should be true of the user parameter in a reports module that is being
passed a value from a form?
a) ____ It should have the same name as the parameter list
b) ____ It should have the same name as the reports module
c) ____ It should be a VARCHAR2 data type
d) ____ It should have the same name as the parameter in the parameter list
3) What is wrong with the following statement:
ADD_PARAMETER(v_plist_id, 'P_1', text_parameter);
a) ____ 'P_1' should not be in quotes
b) ____ The name of the reports module is missing
c) ____ text_parameter should be in quotes
d) ____ The value of the parameter is missing

Question Answer Comments
1) a
2) d
3) d
4) d SYNCHRONOUS is not a parameter you can pass to  RUN_


1) Which of the following is true about menu items?
a) ____ They can have PL/SQL code associated with them
b) ____ They can be manipulated in the Layout Editor
c) ____ They can be used to call other forms and reports modules
d) ____ a & c
2) The following statement is issued from a menu item in a menu module that is
attached to FORM_A:
What will the results of this statement be?
a) ____ FORM_B will open with FORM_A’s menu; FORM_A will be visible and
b) ____ FORM_B will open with its own menu; FORM_A will be visible but not
c) ____ FORM_B will open with FORM_A’s menu; FORM_A will not be visible
d) ____ FORM_B will open with FORM_A’s menu; FORM_A will close
3) How do you associate a menu module with a form?
a) ____ Run the menu module and its child forms will be associated
b) ____ Attach the form to the menu module
c) ____ Attach the menu module to a form using the Menu Module property
d) ____ Run the form and issue a CALL_FORM statement to display the menu
4) Setting a menu item’s label to Sa&ve will make “a” the hot key for this menu
a) ____ True
b) ____ False

Question Answer Comments
1) d
2) c The  switch parameter can sometimes be confusing. A
good way to remember how to set the switch parameter

is to think of it as written in the following sentences: I
want to  REPLACE the calling form’s menu. I do  NOT
want to REPLACE the calling form’s menu.
3) c
4) b It will make “v” the hot key.

1) What must be done to the database for the menu security features to be func-
a) ____ Database roles must be created
b) ____ Forms schema objects must be created
c) ____ Application users must be granted access to Forms schema objects
d) ____ All of the above
2) Which of the following is true about the Module Roles property?
a) ____ It specifies access to the menu system by user name
b) ____ It allows you to grant and revoke database privileges
c) ____ It specifies access to the menu system by database role
d) ____ It is part of the Menu Editor
3) How is a menu item displayed to a user who does not have access to it?
a) ____ It is always grayed out
b) ____ It is always hidden
c) ____ It is visible but does not respond when selected
d) ____ It can be either hidden or grayed out

Question Answer Comments
1) d
2) c
3) d


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