Almost all MCQs of Computer

types of Cyber crimes

Types of Cyber Crimes

❖ General Intrusions
✧ Hacking, spyware, phishing, pharming,
✧ Sending computer viruses & worms to invade computers
✧ Causing denial of service attacks
✧ Creating bots, Trojan horses, zombie machines


❖ Nuisances (usually non-violent activities)
✧ Sending spam
✧ Changing web page text and images
✧ Redirecting websites


❖ Personal Identity Theft (using someone else’s name or credit)
✧ Phishing for private information, passwords, code numbers
✧ Making unauthorized purchases with stolen credit cards or ID
✧ Destroying personal reputation
✧ Damaging personal credit ratings


❖ Theft of Intellectual Property (stealing ideas or creations of others)
✧ Downloading copyrighted music & videos
✧ Plagiarism, cheating
✧ Software piracy


❖ Physical or Mental Damage
✧ Cyberbullying, harassment
✧ Cyberstalking
✧ Sexual exploitation of minors, child pornography


❖ Terrorism
✧ Stealing military and private industry secrets – espionage
✧ Brainwashing and recruiting new followers
✧ Building terrorist communications network


General Intrusions

 1: sending Computer virus/Worm to invade computers

The ILOVEYOU virus comes in an e-mail note with “I LOVE YOU” in the subject line
and contains an attachment that, when opened, results in the message being re-sent to
everyone in the recipient’s Microsoft Outlook address book and, perhaps more seriously,
the loss of every JPEG, MP3, and certain other files on the recipient’s hard disk


2: Malware/trojans

A Trojan takes its name from the term ‘Trojan Horse’. It is a type of computer virus that
can be installed on your computer without you realising.


One variation of a Trojan installs a ‘keystroke logger’ on your computer. This records the
words and numbers you type when you use your computer keyboard. If you login to your
online bank account, the keystroke logger will record your login information.


It is suggested that you should use virtual keyboard while doing net banking. Virtual
Keyboard is an online application to enter password with the help of a mouse.The Virtual
Keyboard is designed to protect your password from malicious “Spyware” and “Trojan
Programs”. Use of Virtual keyboard will reduce the risk of password theft.


3: stealing internet user name and password


Trojan captured the username and password fields from
the dialup screen and sent a mail to the culprits in encrypted form


4: email Fraud

Quick degree scams – “Get your degree in 30 days!” “No studying required”, “Turn
your experience into a degree”. They say they are accredited and the degree is legal and
meaningful. That’s part of the scam.


Personal identity theft

Spamming, Redirecting websites & Phishing


5: Phishing

how does phishing happen?
• Phishers sets up a replica page of a known financial institution or a popular shopping
• Bulk e-mails are sent to users asking for their personal data like account details,
passwords etc
• When the user clicks on the link, the replica of the website will open. Or while the
user is online, a form will populate through an “in-session pop-up”
• On updation, the data goes to phishers. Post which the user is redirected to the
genuine website
Phishers have refined their technology to launch sophisticated attacks and use advanced
social engineering techniques to dupe online banking users.


7: Cyber bullying


8: Cyberstalking


how do they operate
a. Collect all personal information about the victim such as name, family background,
Telephone Numbers of residence and work place, daily routine of the victim, address of residence and place of work, date of birth etc. If the stalker is one of the acquaintances of the victim he can easily get this information. If stalker is a stranger to victim, he collects the information from the internet resources such Network Security 125
as various profiles, the victim may have filled in while opening the chat or e-mail account or while signing an account with some website.


9: Cyber Pornography


10: social networking

Ways to protect yourself on social networking sites:

limit who can see what you post

limit what you post

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